Software written by our Faculty

We write industry-leading software

Our students will have the opportunity to contribute to production-grade software developed by our Faculty and gain visibility on GitHub as software developers

Module 1: Python for Finance

The lingua franca of data science, machine learning, and finance
  • tcapy by Saeed Amen and Cuemacro – FX TCA/transaction cost analysis Python library
  • finmarketpy by Saeed Amen and Cuemacro – open source Python library for backtesting
  • finaddpy by Saeed Amen and Cuemacro – proprietary Python library to cache market data
  • Saeed Amen’s blogpost: Learn how our software reduces trading costs and improve alpha!
  • thalesians.adiutor by Paul Bilokon, Abir Sridi, Thalesians Ltd, and Thalesians Marine Ltd
  • The rest of our numerous software projects are not in public domain and may be protected by NDAs, contracts, and/or other legal documents

Module 2: Databases in finance – Kdb+/q

An unrivaled tool for big data and high-frequency data
  • quantQ by Jan Novotny, Paul Bilokon, Aris Galiotos, and Frédéric Délèze

Module 3: C++ fundamentals with use cases from finance

Performance, production stability, and portability

Module 4: Data Structures and Algorithms in C++

The core of computing

Module 5: Designing algorithmic trading applications

State-of-the-art content

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